Cervico2000: The Missing Link in the Holistic Treatment Approach to Whiplash Injury

The Cervico2000 by Meditrac is a unique cervical traction device that allows the wearer full freedom of movement while delivering powerful traction forces. It is commonly used for cervical ailments like torticollis, disc disease, and whiplash injury.

What is whiplash injury?

Although whiplash injury is not so clearly understood, it can safely be defined as an injury to the neck which is caused by a forceful and rapid bending of the neck forward and backward, or vice versa. It generally involves every supportive structure in the neck from the muscles and tendons, to discs and nerves. 

What causes whiplash injury?

A whiplash injury is caused by rapid and forceful movement or even a jerking type of movement, in the neck. It is most commonly associated with automobile collisions and contact sports injuries. The most common type of car accident that causes whiplash injury is a rear-end collision.

Woman working comfortable in laptop while using the Cervico2000 Cervical Decompression Device by Meditrac

What are common symptoms of whiplash injury? 

The presentation of whiplash injury symptoms is extremely varied due to the number and different functions of the structures in the neck which can be implicated in a whiplash injury. It is important to note that while some symptoms might appear immediately after the injury, many symptoms only begin to manifest in the few days following the incident.

Here is a list of common whiplash symptoms:

  • Pain and soreness (in the neck, shoulder region, arms and hands, and lower back)
  • Headaches (often at the base of the skull)
  • General stiffness and loss of range of motion in the neck
  • Dizziness
  • Upper extremity numbness and tingling
  • Tinnitus  (ringing in the ears)
  • Blurred vision
  • Difficulty with concentration and memory
  • Increased irritability
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Fatigue
  • Depression 

How is whiplash injury treated?

Given the variety of structures which can be affected when someone suffers a whiplash injury, the ideal treatment approach is a holistic one. 


Ice is most effectively administered locally to the affected area within the first 24 hours after injury to reduce the general effects of inflammation and soreness. Ice can still be used after the initial 24 hours to continue to treat inflammation and soreness.


Immobilization of the head and neck with a cervical collar post-whiplash injury is common. It allows the muscles to rest while providing support to the head. Active movement of the head and neck is slowly reintroduced after the initial 24 hours have passed.

Cervico2000 Cervical Decompression Device by Meditrac adjustable neck


NSAIDS, like Ibuprofen, and muscle relaxants are commonly prescribed by doctors to mitigate the painful effects of whiplash injury. 

Physical Rehabilitation 

Doctors will also often prescribe a course of physical therapy or some type of osteopathic manipulation as part of the whiplash injury treatment. Many people report that massage also helps provide relief after whiplash injury by relaxing the muscle spasms in the neck, shoulders, and back.

Woman working out while wearing the Cervico2000 Cervical Decompression Device by Meditrac

How long can whiplash injuries last for?

The effects of a whiplash injury might fade in a few weeks or a few months. In a small percentage of cases, the injury may become a chronic complaint. Some risk factors which have been linked to poorer outcomes are: advanced age, previous history of whiplash, and prior complaint of back or neck pain. 

Where does the Cervico by Meditrac fit into this treatment plan?

The Cervico is designed to look like a typical cervical collar, but it is anything but. Standard cervical collars provide just immobilization, whereas the Cervico2000 provides a strong decompressive force to the spine, in addition to the standard immobilization.

Cervico2000 Cervical Decompression Device by Meditrac

The Cervico allows the patient to participate in all therapeutic or physical activity, in a safe and pain-free way. It is clinically proven to reduce the need for pain meds. It gives the wearer the confidence to be active and mobile, even while recovering from a painful event. 

Over the last two decades, Meditrac patients have seen incredible results with the Cervico2000. After 8 Cervico sessions, 70% of patients report pain relief. After 12 sessions, 75% of patients return to their prior level of function, without limitations. 

Woman adjusting the Cervico2000 Cervical Decompression Device by Meditrac for best comfort

Treatment with the Cervico requires a minimum of one, 15 minute session per day to see these clinical outcomes. The Cervico’s size and carry-bag also make the unit easily portable so that patients won’t need to worry about missing even a single treatment session.  It doesn’t require much set-up time or any other equipment, and anyone can easily be trained to put it on and take it off.

Cervico2000 Cervical Decompression Device by Meditrac providing firm relief to the neck bones

How does the Cervico2000 accomplish this? 

On either side of the Cervico unit sits a lever. When the levers are pressed, a strong, bilateral and longitudinal traction force of up to 44 pounds is applied to the cervical spine. A horizontal traction force can be applied as well, to improve the natural lordosis and position of the cervical spine. 

Cervico2000 Cervical Decompression Device by Meditrac cervical spine relief

Without sustained supine or seated positioning, the patient is able to move freely. Research tells us that active movement naturally improves circulation, in addition to strengthening muscles. Increased circulation means expedited delivery of healing factors, and accelerated relief from inflammatory build-up. In this way, patients who do light exercise while wearing the Cervico are actively facilitating their own healing process. 

Woman adjusting the Cervico2000 Cervical Decompression Device by Meditrac height

Final Thoughts

Earlier in the article, a holistic approach was recommended as the most comprehensive treatment of whiplash injury. Four different treatment options targeting the physical effect of whiplash injury on the body followed. The fifth and final piece of the holistic approach is that of patient empowerment through the implementation of the Cervico. 

Most patients, whether they are young or old, react similarly to a mobility-threatening injury with feelings of sadness, frustration, helplessness, and even depression. By giving these patients an active role in their recovery, and the power to treat their pain at its source - any practitioner who uses the Cervico will be handing their patients the key to recovery.


Co-founder/CEO of Rehabmart, Pediatric Occupational Therapist, husband, and father. Passionate about connecting special needs kids with superb nutrition, sensory integration, and complementary health strategies. Excited about Rehabmart's mission to become the premier online educational platform which empowers caregivers by spotlighting innovative devices and interventions to achieve optimal patient response and recovery.

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