Caregiver University > Experts > Heather Collins, MSN, RN, CNOR

Heather Collins, MSN, RN, CNOR

Heather Collins, MSN, RN, CNOR

Heather Collins, MSN, RN, CNOR is a registered nurse certified in the operating room and nursing leadership. Heather is also a passionate freelance health and wellness writer who enjoys translating complex medical terminology into easily digestible content for the general public.

As an RN, Heather is dedicated to caring for people and serving others by ensuring patients and families receive safe, competent care and are educated and empowered to manage complex medical conditions once they leave the healthcare setting. Located in Texas, Heather currently practices as a nurse administrator in perioperative services at one of the top pediatric hospitals in the United States.

Heather spends her free time boating and doing anything outdoors with her husband, children, and three grandsons. Heather has a soft spot for big dogs and has 4 Great Danes and a lab mix that keep her busy.

You can check out her content website at
