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Children on the autism spectrum can find it difficult to express themselves. This can bring about overwhelming frustration and anger. Tools and techniques to help them relax before bed at night can make the days much better. Strategies and relaxation techniques should include using sensory calming toys, which are valuable tools to help a child self-regulate. Our product experts give their top five selections in this article.

Multisensory learning tools give all students a more effective whole-brain teaching method, encouraging them to learn by stimulating the senses. Because every student has a different learning style, multisensory devices can help play to those strengths with visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile sensory feedback. Our product experts give their top recommendations in this article.

If you’re an occupational therapy student, you may already be overwhelmed by the sheer number of varied medical and rehabilitative equipment you have at your disposal. Yet it is exactly because of that extensive variety that all of your clients’ needs can be met. The best OTs are aware of the assistive technology choices available to them and their clients, and utilize Activity Analysis, ensuring the right choice for the specific, unique need, every time.