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Multisensory learning tools give all students a more effective whole-brain teaching method, encouraging them to learn by stimulating the senses. Because every student has a different learning style, multisensory devices can help play to those strengths with visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile sensory feedback. Our product experts give their top recommendations in this article.

If you’re an occupational therapy student, you may already be overwhelmed by the sheer number of varied medical and rehabilitative equipment you have at your disposal. Yet it is exactly because of that extensive variety that all of your clients’ needs can be met. The best OTs are aware of the assistive technology choices available to them and their clients, and utilize Activity Analysis, ensuring the right choice for the specific, unique need, every time.

Children on the autism spectrum can find it difficult to express themselves. This can bring about overwhelming frustration and anger. Tools and techniques to help them relax before bed at night can make the days much better. Strategies and relaxation techniques should include using sensory calming toys, which are valuable tools to help a child self-regulate. Our product experts give their top five selections in this article.

Children and adults living with ADHD are often prone to sensory processing disturbances that can result in overstimulation and sensory overload. As an added dimension of ADHD, sensory over-responsivity stems from the brain trying to pay attention to everything at once, while it also tends to cause inflexibility in the ability to move from one thought to another. 

Bathing can be a real challenge for people living with any injury, illness, or disability, both at home and in the hospital. Arjo addresses these problems with innovative solutions born from collaboration with real industry experts, offering products made with both patient and caregiver in mind. Check out these amazing bathing systems and learn more now!

Playgrounds are meant to be enjoyed by all who visit them, not just typical children who are able-bodied, but ALL children. Making playground equipment and activities accessible and inclusive for all kids brings children together to collaborate, enjoy, and grow in a space that welcomes all kids to a safe and fun place to play. Our product experts give their top recommendations in this article.

As a critical aspect of well-being throughout our life span, sensory processing is the bridge between physical and mental health. When children experience challenges processing the sensory information they’re getting from the world around them, it may be a sensory processing disorder holding them back. While the majority of kids on the autism spectrum also have SPD, not all children with SPD have autism. Although it’s connected with childhood anxiety, ADHD, and other disorders, sensory processing disorder can also occur without any other diagnosis. 

Special needs products enable special needs children to experience, enjoy, and engage with their world in ways they would not be able to do without adaptive equipment. Rehabmart has a comprehensive listing of products in the Special Needs Store to support special needs kids and their caregivers. Our product experts give their top recommendations in this article.

Finding clarity in a world overflowing with sensory input may be difficult for many people. Sensory Integration Therapy is critical for persons dealing with these difficulties. This therapy successfully assists patients in recalibrating their sensory responses, opening the way for more effective interactions with their environment.