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The ability to safely and confidently navigate stairs is an important daily life activity that adds to your quality of life. When that ability is compromised by a health condition, mobility rehabilitation using training stairs can help patients recover progressive stepping and regain the range of motion necessary to safely climb stairs. Our number one choice for best training stairs for physical therapy is the Dynamic Physical Therapy Star Trainer. 

A common tool for diagnostic testing is the imaging table. Imaging tables streamline procedures, making the medical professional’s job easier and the patient’s experience as positive as possible. Our product experts give their top five selections in this article.

Choosing the right medical exam table for your healthcare practice is one of the most important purchasing decisions you can make as a doctor. Supporting an array of diagnostic procedures, clinical indications, and diverse patient populations, quality exam table manufacturers generally base their designs on the diagnostic needs and convenience of medical professionals. Our product experts give their top five selections in this article.

Parallel bars for walking help build strength, balance, and range of motion, so they are an important part of mobility therapy. This set of physical therapy parallel bars delivers a solid therapy experience while folding up and out of the way to free up valuable floor space when it’s needed for other activities. Our product experts give their top 4 selections in this article.