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Ask A Therapist is owned and operated by Occupational and Physical Therapists. This is a place to ask an occupational, physical or speech therapist your rehabilitation related questions!

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Do You Have A Question For Our Therapists?

How to Choose a Hand Splint

My daughter has a right-side hemiparesis as the result of TBI injury when she was two.  I have been using a hand splint to assist with spasticity in right hand. What type of splint do you recommend? Thanks for any help you can provide.

Which is Best: A Mouth Stick or Head Stick for a Dynavox Communication Device?

I have a 3 yr. old boy with quadraplegia.  He is smart and alert, very oral with a strong bite, loves to chew, head control is fair. I'm trying to determine what's best: a mouth stick or head stick on a ball cap in order for him to access his dynavox.  Thank you for your input, take care :)! 

My Mother is Experiencing Frequent Falls. What can I do?

My mother is 86 years old now, and still living on her own. She has fallen 4-5 times in the past week alone, and I'm afraid she is going to hurt herself. She is adament that she doesn't want to go to a group home, but I'm afraid she's going to break her hip or wrist (or worse) if we don't do something about it. Do you have any ideas?

Juvenile Arthritis: Are There Tools to Make Dressing Easier?

My 12 year-old son has suffered with juvenile arthritis for over 4 years now. Many times I end up having to help him finish dressing because he gets tired and frustrated. What kind of tools are available to help make getting dressed (and other daily tasks) easier?